Data Catalogue
Data Catalogue
Wildlife Refuges

Data purpose: Delineates the geographical boundaries of New Brunswick’s Wildlife Refuges and Wildlife Management Areas. Hunting, trapping and/or snaring may be prohibited in some of the units.

Data description: New Brunswick’s Wildlife Refuges and Wildlife Management Areas. There are 6 Wildlife Refuges and 15 Wildlife Management Areas.

Additonal information: : Most of New Brunswick's Wildlife Refuges and Wildlife Management Areas were established in the mid-1900s for the management of wildlife species that were hunted, trapped or snared by providing areas where those activities could be prohibited or restricted. Some areas were included because they were recognized tourist destinations (Acadian Village and Kings Landing Wildlife Management Areas) or other areas designated for "protection". 1. 2.

  1. Do not confuse Wildlife Refuges and Wildlife Management Areas with Wildlife Management Zones (WMZ GIS layer).
  2. For more information, including the latest Hunting Regulations, please see the GNB ERD website and NB Fish and Wildlife Act Regulation 94-43.

Please see the NB Fish and Wildlife Act Regulation 94-43 for legal descriptions, including restrictions on hunting, trapping and snaring, and boundaries of Wildlife Refuges and Wildlife Management Areas.

Update requirements: Static layer, no updates anticipated.

Restriction on use: Unrestricted

License: Open Government Licence

Georeferencing: datum - NAD83(CSRS), map projection - NB Stereographic Double, (EPSG 2953)

Data formats: ESRI file geodatabase, ESRI layer package, ESRI shape file

Data coverage and size: Provincial Coverage

Responsible Agency: Department of Energy and Resource Development

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